Sunday, June 1, 2014

ASCO Awards Lecture: Seizing the Opportunity for Cancer Prevention

Cancer News in Context's own Graham Colditz received the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)–American Cancer Society Award today at the ASCO Annual Meeting in Chicago (more info).  The award honors contributions to cancer prevention and control.

In his associated lecture, Colditz will focus on the need to place a higher priority on prevention if we are to make real strides in the fight against cancer.  A synopsis of his key points:
The United States and other high-income nations have long developed a “cancer culture” – one marked by lifestyle profiles that together greatly increase cancer risk. There is immense potential to reduce the cancer burden by focusing prevention resources in a relatively small number of key areas. At least half of the roughly 1.6 million new cases of cancer diagnosed each year in the United States could be prevented using knowledge that we already have. Available strategies for cancer prevention include vaccination and safe sexual practices, smoking cessation, physical activity, healthy body weight, healthy diet and moderate or no alcohol intake, sun protection and avoidance of indoor tanning, and screening. Yet, budget realities remain focused on areas other than prevention. To address the burden of cancer as effectively and efficiently as possible, prevention and control must become a true resource priority, with funding on par with other key areas. We need the political will to allocate resources, prioritize incentives and rewards, and implement regulations that reinforce behaviors that will prevent cancer. Link to full article in annual meeting education book.  
To see lecture slides, background papers, and related online patient prevention materials, visit: