Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring Toward Cancer Prevention: CNiC in the News

It's been an active spring for Cancer News in Context staff, particularly so for its executive editor, Graham Colditz, who has had a number of events and published pieces which have grabbed positive media attention.

Most recent was a journal article - co-authored with Sarah Gehlert and CNiC contributor Kate Wolin - in Science Translational Medicine, which detailed the pathways toward more effective cancer prevention research and policy.   In addition to mass media coverage of the article, Scientific American wrote a broad companion piece for their Observations blog, and The Atlantic online published Colditz's distilled thoughts on 5 Ways to Jumpstart Cancer Prevention.

Colditz has also given a number of key lectures this spring on cancer prevention and risk assessment.  In March - along with Erika Waters - he presented at an NIH webinar on the framework responsible for the 17 year success of his Your Disease Risk website. To complement his recent Award for Excellence in Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention from the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), he presented a lecture at the AACR annual meeting titled: Integrating Risk Across the Lifespan: The Case for Breast Cancer Prevention.

Also published this spring by CNiC staff was a paper detailing the science behind its popular brochure:  8 Ways to Stay Healthy and Prevent Cancer.