Sunday, October 31, 2010

CNiC Book Review: The Food Matters Cookbook

The CNiC cooking team is fortunate to have numerous wonderful resources to draw on when looking for healthy recipes that incorporate the cancer prevention principles that make up our 8 Ways to Prevent Cancer. When talking to others about these approaches, I'm often asked how much extra time and effort is required to cook this way. Thanks to New York Times columnist Mark Bittman, I don't even have to answer that question myself anymore - Bittman explains it all - accurately, honestly and with great perspective, in his new cookbook - The Food Matters Cookbook.

Bittman's book is full of solutions to make the choices easier - like how to substitute the herbs you have in the house for the ones in a recipe so you aren't spending $25 a week on fresh herbs to add flavor to food without lots of meat, dairy, or calories. There are also great suggestions on protein substitutions, vegetable substitutions and substitutions to make recipes vegan. The recipes aren't fussy - Bittman's style is simple yet flavorful.

There is a role for all kinds of eating in Bittman's cookbook - it is based on his personal approach to eating and he is a food writer after all!

If you are thinking about making some changes to your diet - incorporating more whole grains, eating more fruits and vegetables, eating less meat and getting your protein from other sources, cutting back on processed foods - this cookbook provides all the tools you need.

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Related Links
Your Disease Risk - Risk Assessment
Cancer Prevention - Google Knol
8 Ways to Stay Healthy and Prevent Cancer (PDF)
Mark Bittman (blog plus)