I had the privilege of
presenting in this thematic area for the Shanghai Forum and addressed the priority for prevention.
This contrasted with a preceding talk that advocated for greater emphasis on
genomic testing to focus prevention activities within the Chinese population.
Using diabetes and breast cancer examples I contrasted the time course of
disease development and the importance of acting now with our current
information, particularly given the dramatic changes in diet and physical
activity among children in China over the past 25 years. Needless to say, diet
has moved to more western pattern increasing risk of diabetes and cancer,
physical activity has declined.
The immediacy of providing
health services makes demands on health systems that draw the focus away from
using the knowledge we already have. Lets look at the evidence on breast cancer
as an example of why we need to act quickly to reduce the global burden.
Already, breast cancer is the number 1 cancer diagnosis among women in the
world. In 2012, 1.7 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer (25% of all
new cancer cases).
In Asia the incidence rate
of breast cancer in women under age 50 continues to rise. For example, data
from the shanghai tumor registry included in the IARD report on cancer are
summarized below.
This is no surprise because
age at first menstrual period has fallen from an average of 16 or 17 for women
born in 1930 to 14 for women born in 1970 1 and down to 12 for women born in Beijing by 1990 (menarche assessed
through 2004). This age at menarche is slightly younger in cities and a little
older for those in rural settings.
Figure 1. Age at menarche by year of birth for women in China from Lewington et al IJE 2014.
The number of children has
plummeted throughout the world. Although the number of babies born continues to
rise to a possible record of 136 million babies in 2007 (May 23, 2014:
http://www.worldwatch.org/node/5645). This is explained by the number of women
between age 15 and 49, which has double in the past 435years, to 1.7 billion.
Thus, even with fewer babies born for each women, the total births rise and
global population is projected to pass beyond 9 billion, stressing our ability
to feed and provide health services for all.
Back to number of children… in
China up to 1950 women had an average of 5 babies (urban) or 6 children (in
rural settings) - see figure 2, ale drawing on Lewington et al IJE 2014.
The age a women has her first baby has increased from 19 in 1950 to 25 or more in 1995.
Children historically were
spaced about 3 years apart and this has increased in the recent past of those
who have more than 1 child.
Based on one survey of
several hundred thousand women, …
As a society or
civilization, we have effectively extended the interval from first menstrual
period to first birth from about 2 years to almost 18. This given an increase
in the number of menstrual periods on average before first birth from say fewer
than 26 menstrual periods; to some 234 cycles (18yrs x13 cycles/year), before
the full cellular differentiation that accompanies breast development during
first pregnancy; this is an increase of more than 200 cycles. Furthermore, it
represents almost 18 more years of breast risk accumulation before the
protection of first pregnancy. Lifestyle during this time of life determines
life long risk of breast cancer.
Using our validated model of
breast cancer incidence 2,3 we know that, if a woman has a first baby at 19 and has the weight and
height of average women in China born 1925 to 1978 4 then at age 50 she would have an incidence rate of about 50 cases per
100,000 women. In contrast the current incidence in the USA is 182 cases per
100,000 women (SEER data).
If, however, we apply the
new normal, menarche at 12, first birth at 27, and only 1 birth (consistent with
China and Korea today) then we expect an incidence of about 147 cases per 100,000
women at age 50. The current incidence in Korea closely reflects these numbers,
as do data from Shanghai. Shifting patterns of reproductive characteristics of
women in a population dramatically change breast cancer incidence.
So what are we ignoring?
Strong evidence supports higher
intake of vegetables in the diet are related to lower risk of breast cancer.
Soy intake in childhood and adolescence is related to lower risk 5-7, as is higher fiber intake 8 and higher vegetable protein intake 8-10. Yet, China has had a hugged drop in consumption of vegetable sources
in the diet and greatly increased intake of animal sources. The data from the China
National Health Survey for children 2 to 18 years of age are summarized in the
figure. We note a 50% increase in animal sources and a 70% decrease in course
fiber sources in the diet over the 120 years form 1991 to 2011 11.
Physical activity in
adolescence is directly related to lower risk of breast cancer 12,13 – yet we see continuing trends with industrialization to lower physical
activity. Driven largely by a drop in occupational activity women in china have
decreased their overall activity by about 50% from 1991 to 2011 14.
These dietary changes and
reductions in physical activity will combine to exacerbate the increase in risk
driven by changing reproductive patterns.
Of course, with higher
education we see women drinking more alcohol.
In China, for example, women
without high school education report abstaining from alcohol. Based on data
from 500,000 men and women enrolled in the China Kadoorie Biobank cohort study born
1925 to 1978; overall 63% of women reported never drinking alcohol 15. When stratified by education
alcohol consumption increased with level of education. Among women with no
formal education 71% never drank alcohol, while for women with college or
university education, 47.8 % never drank. Alcohol a known breast carcinogen is
increasing and will add further to the burden of breast cancer. Importantly,
intake between first menstrual period and first birth drives risk of
premalignant and invasive breast lesions 16,17.
While the world health
organization recommends not smoking, eating a healthy diet, being physically
active, and limiting alcohol intake, the importance of age is ignored18. For beast cancer, the leading cancer burden among
women in the world, we must refocus on the critical period before age 30 when breast
cells are most susceptible to risk and lifetime risk is set.
we act and act now, supported by additional resources devoted to implementing
prevention, bringing messages and sustaining lifestyle and risk reduction
strategies during the critical time points in life, we can achieve a world-wide
turn around overcoming outrage. The burden of the leading cancer diagnosed in
women can decrease now and for future generations.
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